Cover Letter and Video Resume

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A cover letter is a one-page document that usually accompanies a resume and is used to highlight why you’re fit for the job. It encourages the hiring manager to go through your resume and helps to build a rapport. Therefore, a cover letter should be concise and specific to the job you’re applying for.In this course, we will teach you the structure of the cover letter, the tips, and tricks to write a cover letter, and the do’s and don’ts while writing one.


1.Contact details

Include your full name, phone number, and email id. You may also include relevant social media profiles like LinkedIn or personal
websites. Refrain from mentioning your residential address.

2.Hiring Manager’s address

Include company name, address, and zip code.

3.Salutation :

Greet the hiring manager. If you’re unable to find her/his name, you may use “ Dear hiring manager ” instead of generic salutations like
“To whomsoever it may concern”.

4.Opening paragraph

The opening paragraph plays a very important role in your cover letter and should be framed very carefully. Introduce yourself, mention
the post you’re applying for and try to get the attention of the reader by highlighting some of your achievements.


1.Use 11 – 12 point font.
2.Use one-inch margin and single line spacing.
3.Always write a fresh cover letter for each job.

Video Resume :


1.Prepare a script

2.Find a Good background

3.Be Energetic and enthusiastic

4.Don’t read from the script

What to include ?


2.Achievements and Passion



General tips

1.Present your video resume in the form of a story. Ensure that there is a connection between the sentences in your script.
2.Your video resume should be around 60-90s.
3.Practice and record. Check the recording to find out where you should improve and what to avoid.

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